Cat Training Services:
Most people are surprised to learn that you can train cats and modify their behavior. We also find that people are surprised to learn many of the things cats do (and dogs for that matter) are not done out of spite or stupidity but actually serve a purpose in the animal’s mind. The key to modifying the behavior is to figure out what prompts the animal’s actions and what reward does the pet get from performing the behavior. We can then either: ignore the behavior (which sometimes causes it to go away if our attention was the “reward” for the behavior), manage the environment (as humanely as possible) or teach the cat another behavior to perform which will be rewarded instead of the unwanted behavior.
Please note:
Some behavior problems may actually arise out of a medical problem. Therefore it is best to have your cat checked out by your veterinarian first when you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior to determine if the issue is medical or behavioral. We are happy to work with your veterinarian on your cat’s behavioral issue.
Here are some of the many issues we can help resolve:
- scratching
- night time wake ups
- counter top lounging
- fearfulness
- Cat 101: helping you get you off to a great start with your first cat or kitten
- teaching your cat to tolerate or even enjoy the cat carrier
- food stealing
- introducing a cat into your home in which you already have another cat or dog
- teaching your cat to tolerate being handled for nail trimming, grooming, applying ear and eye medicines
- basic behaviors: recall, targeting, go to bed or place, sit
- inappropriate elimination (litter box avoidance)
- aggression
Behavior Consultation:
After you contact us to explain the issue you would like our help resolving, we will set up either an in-home consultation, or a video consulation using Zoom or Skype. During this session we will review the issue, take a behavior history of your cat(s), examine the environment for factors contributing to the problem, and observe the cat’s behavior. We will then provide verbal recommendations. For some issues training will also be demonstrated to teach your cat more desirable behaviors. Follow-up sessions are available when appropriate.
$100 per hour. Cash or check.
Discount available when four or more lessons are purchased in advance.
Mileage Fee:
Clients outside of our service area are also subject to a mileage fee.
In New Hampshire we service the towns of Brookline, Hollis, Hudson, Merrimack, Milford and Nashua without a mileage fee.

Cats cued to "go to place." The places indicated by the towels they are sitting on.